Grand Lodge Alpina of Switzerland
The values of Freemasonry are based on integrity, kindness, honesty and fairness.
Welcome to Masonry Universal Lodge No. 40
MUL 40 was established in July 1955 to serve the Masonic needs of the English-speaking community in the Geneva region. Its Founders obtained agreement from the Grand Lodge Alpina of Switzerland to work the three Emulation degrees in English, which are familiar to many English Masons. Over the subsequent years, the Lodge maintained an average membership of between 40 and 50 in a transient, multicultural and multinational environment. Today, we are well over 60 members.
Freemasonry is a fraternal alliance between Free Men from all beliefs and from all social horizons. Based on tolerance, it is enriched with social diversity which lights up into the common cause of following one’s own path towards self-improvement. Masonry acts for the benefit of society as well as the self-development of its members.
If you are a just, upright and free man, of mature age, sound judgment and strict morals, consider Freemasonry as a way to guide yourself into a better man and the world into a better place. If you already are a Freemason, and are relocating to the Geneva area - or simply visiting the area - please feel free to contact us for further information.
If you are interested in Freemasonry and have explored the links available to you - including those in this web site - you may also contact us for further information.

Masonry acts for the benefit of society as well as the self-development of its members.
Subject to rearrangement due to Public Holidays, our regular meetings take place at 3 rue Firmin-Massot, 1206 Geneva, on the second Monday of the month (October to June inclusive), starting at 7.00 pm - although we do seem to be adding a September meeting on a regular basis.
The signature book is available from 6.30 pm.
The Installation Meeting is usually spread over three meetings: the May meeting, an extraordinary meeting on the second Monday of June, and the third Saturday in June.
Extraordinary regular meetings may be scheduled; these would probably take place on the fourth Monday of the month.
We do not normally meet during July and August.